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XML Parser

The XML parser is used for working with data in XML format that can be located in any part of the request. Its name must be specified in a point upon using filters provided by it.

You can use the XML parser name in the point without any filters that are provided by it to work with the top-level XML data container contents in their raw format.


For the

Content-type: application/xml

request with the

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY eee SYSTEM "aaaa">]>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="style.xsl"?>
<!-- test -->
    Sample text.

body, the POST_XML_value point refers to the following data in raw format:

<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY eee SYSTEM "aaaa">]>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="style.xsl"?>
<!-- test -->
    Sample text.

The XML parser builds a complex data structure on the basis of the input data. You can use the following filters to address the elements of this data structure:

Add the names of the XML parser and the filter provided by it in upper case to the point to use the filter in the point.

Xml_comment Filter

The Xml_comment filter refers to the array containing comments from data in XML format. The elements of this array need to be referred to by using their indexes. The array indexing starts with 0.

Regular expressions in points

The index in the point can be a regular expression of the Ruby programming language.

The Xml_comment filter can only be used in the point together with the XML parser.


For the

Content-type: application/xml

request with the

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY eee SYSTEM "aaaa">]>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="style.xsl"?>
<!-- first -->
    Sample text.
<!-- second -->

body, the Xml_comment applied together with the XML parser refers to the following array:

Index Value
0 first
1 second
  • The POST_XML_XML_COMMENT_0_value point refers to the first value that corresponds to the 0 index from the array addressed by the Xml_comment filter.

  • The POST_XML_XML_COMMENT_1_value point refers to the second value that corresponds to the 1 index from the array addressed by the Xml_comment filter.

Xml_dtd Filter

The Xml_dtd filter refers to the external DTD schema used in the XML data. This filter can only be used in the point together with the XML parser.

The Xml_dtd filter refers to a string value. This filter cannot refer to complex data structures (such as arrays or hash tables).


For the

Content-type: application/xml

request with the

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE foo SYSTEM "example.dtd">
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="style.xsl"?>
<!-- first -->
    Sample text.

body, the POST_XML_DTD_value point refers to the example.dtd value.

Xml_dtd_entity Filter

The Xml_dtd_entity filter refers to the array containing the DTD schema directives defined in the XML data. The elements of this array need to be referred to by using their indexes. The array indexing starts with 0.

Regular expressions in points

The index in the point can be a regular expression of the Ruby programming language.

The Xml_dtd_entity filter can only be used in the point together with the XML parser.


For the

Content-type: application/xml

request with the

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE foo [
<!ENTITY xxe "aaaa">
<!ENTITY sample "This is sample text.">
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="style.xsl"?>
<!-- first -->

body, the Xml_dtd_entity filter applied to the request body together with the XML parser refers to the following array:

Index Name Value
0 xxe aaaa
1 sample This is sample text.

In this array, each index refers to the name-value pair that corresponds with the name and the value of the DTD schema.

  • Add the _name postfix at the end of the point that uses the Xml_dtd_entity filter to refer to the name of the schema directive.

  • Add the _value postfix at the end of the point that uses the Xml_dtd_entity filter to refer to the value of the schema directive.

  • The POST_XML_XML_DTD_ENTITY_0_name point refers to the xxe directive name that corresponds to the 0 index from the array addressed by the Xml_dtd_entity filter.

  • The POST_XML_XML_DTD_ENTITY_1_value point refers to the This is sample text. directive value that corresponds to the 1 index from the array addressed by the Xml_dtd_entity filter.

Xml_pi Filter

The Xml_pi filter refers to the array of the processing instructions defined for the XML data. The elements of this array need to be referred to by using their indexes. The array indexing starts with 0.

Regular expressions in points

The index in the point can be a regular expression of the Ruby programming language.

The Xml_pi filter can only be used in the point together with the XML parser.


For the

Content-type: application/xml

request with the

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY eee SYSTEM "aaaa">]>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="style.xsl"?>
<?last-edit user="John" date="2019-05-11"?>
<!-- first -->
    Sample text.

body, the Xml_pi filter applied to the request body together with the XML parser refers to the following array:

Index Name Value
0 xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="style.xsl"
1 last-edit user="John" date="2019-05-11"

In this array, each index refers to the name-value pair that corresponds with the name and the value of the data processing instruction.

  • Add the _name postfix at the end of the point that uses the Xml_pi filter to refer to the name of the processing instruction.

  • Add the _value postfix at the end of the point that uses the Xml_pi filter to refer to the value of the processing instruction.

  • The POST_XML_XML_PI_0_name point refers to the xml-stylesheet instruction name that corresponds to the 0 index from the array addressed by the Xml_pi filter.

  • The POST_XML_XML_PI_1_value point refers to the user="John" date="2019-05-11" instruction value that corresponds to the 1 index from the array addressed by the Xml_pi filter.

Xml_tag Filter

The Xml_tag filter refers to the hash table of the XML tags from the XML data. The elements of this hash table need to be referred to by using the names of the tags. This filter can only be used in the point together with the XML parser.

Regular expressions in points

The tag name in the point can be a regular expression of the Ruby programming language.

The tags from the XML data may also contain arrays of values. Use the Array or the Xml_tag_array filter to refer to the values from these arrays.


For the

Content-type: application/xml

request with the

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY eee SYSTEM "aaaa">]>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="style.xsl"?>
<!-- first -->
    Sample text.

body, the Xml_tag filter applied to the request body together with the XML parser refers to the following hash table:

Key Value
text Sample text.
sample aaaa
  • The POST_XML_XML_TAG_text_value point refers to the Sample text. value that corresponds to the text key from the hash table addressed by the Xml_tag filter.

  • The POST_XML_XML_TAG_sample_value point refers to the aaaa value that corresponds to the sample key from the hash table addressed by the Xml_tag filter.

Xml_tag_array Filter

The Xml_tag_array filter refers to the array of the tag values from the XML data. The elements of this array need to be referred to by using their indexes. The array indexing starts with 0. This filter can only be used in the point together with the XML parser.

Regular expressions in points

The index in the point can be a regular expression of the Ruby programming language.

The Array filter applied to the XML data works similarly to the Xml_tag_array.

The ways of addressing tag content

The XML parser does not differentiate between the tag value and the first element in the tag values array.

For example, the POST_XML_XML_TAG_myTag_value and the POST_XML_XML_TAG_myTag_ARRAY_0_value points refer to the same value.


For the

Content-type: application/xml

request with the

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY eee SYSTEM "aaaa">]>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="style.xsl"?>
<!-- first -->
    Sample text.

body, the Xml_tag_array applied to the text tag in the request body refers to the following array:

Index Value
0 Sample text.
1 aaaa
  • The POST_XML_XML_TAG_text_XML_TAG_ARRAY_0_value point refers to the Sample text. value that corresponds to the 0 index from the text tag values array addressed by the Xml_tag_array filter.

  • The POST_XML_XML_TAG_text_XML_TAG_ARRAY_1_value point refers to the aaaa value that corresponds to the 1 index from the text tag values array addressed by the Xml_tag_array filter.

Xml_attr Filter

The Xml_attr filter refers to the hash table of the tag attributes from the XML data. The elements of this hash table need to be referred to by using the names of the attributes.

Regular expressions in points

The attribute name in the point can be a regular expression of the Ruby programming language.

This filter can only be used in the point together with the Xml_tag filter.


For the

Content-type: application/xml

request with the

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE foo [<!ENTITY eee SYSTEM "aaaa">]>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="style.xsl"?>
<!-- first -->
<text category="informational" font="12">
    Sample text.

body, the Xml_attr filter applied to the text tag from the request body together with the XML parser and the Xml_tag filter refers to the following hash table:

Key Value
category informational
font 12
  • The POST_XML_XML_TAG_text_XML_ATTR_category_value point refers to the informational value that corresponds with the category key from the text tag attributes hash table addressed by the Xml_attr filter.

  • The POST_XML_XML_TAG_text_XML_ATTR_font_value point refers to the 12 value that corresponds with the font key from the text tag attributes hash table addressed by the Xml_attr filter.