Getting the Report with Test Results

The FAST node allows you to get test results in TXT and JSON formats:

  • The TXT file contains brief test results — baseline statistics and detected vulnerabilities list.
  • The JSON file contains detailed test results — details on the security test and basic requests, as well as the detected vulnerabilities list. JSON file content corresponds to the data provided on your Wallarm account > Test runs.

To get the report, select the report generation method and follow the instructions below:

Running FAST Node in Report Mode

To run FAST node in report mode, perform the following steps when deploying the Docker container:

  1. Set environment variables:
Variable Description Required
WALLARM_API_TOKEN A token from the Wallarm cloud. Yes
WALLARM_API_HOST The address of the Wallarm API server.
Allowed values: for the server in the Wallarm US cloud and for the server in the Wallarm EU cloud.
CI_MODE The FAST node's operation mode.
Must be report.
TEST_RUN_ID The test run ID needed to get the report.
The ID is displayed on your Wallarm account > Test runs and in logs of running the FAST node in testing mode.
By default, ID of the last test run is used.
  1. Pass the path to the folder for reports via the -v {DIRECTORY_FOR_REPORTS}:/opt/reports/ option.

Example of the command to run the FAST node Docker container in report mode:

docker run  --rm -e -e WALLARM_API_TOKEN=qwe53UTb2 -e CI_MODE=report -e TEST_RUN_ID=9012 -v documents/reports:/opt/reports/ wallarm/fast

Getting the Report

If the command was successfully executed, you will get brief data about the test run in the terminal:

Registered new instance 16dd487f-3d40-4834-xxxx-8ff17842d60b

=============================== TESTRUN RESULTS ================================
Example Test Run (5080) result - failed
|                               BASELINE_CHECKS                                |
|PASSED  |0                                                                    |
|FAILED  |2                                                                    |
|STOPPED |0                                                                    |

|THREAT  |MEDIUM                                                               |

When the report generation is finished, you will find the following files with reports in the DIRECTORY_FOR_REPORTS folder:


results matching ""

    No results matching ""

    results matching ""

      No results matching ""